

Biosensing - Detection & Measurement of Human Biometrics & Behavior
DescriptionSome consumers are quick to adapt and see the value of biometric technology, such as heart rate detection and sleep tracking. Others voice concerns about privacy and security. The inclusion of smartwatches, cameras, and eye tracking capabilities offers easier collection of data and behavioral trends. Biosensing technology has already improved research for a better understanding of trust and attention. However, we would appreciate other perspectives. What reliable technology and redundancy will be necessary for an effective implementation? Our cross functional team with research and engineering has developed a cohesive biosensing strategy that we would like your feedback on. Part of this session will include how we believe biosensors could be an enabler for improved security, safety, health, and convenience. Benefits to attendees include discussion on completed research, possible implementations for these sensors prediction of driver's attention and physiological state, and roadblocks to adaptation of such technologies.
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TimeThursday, September 12th4:15pm - 5:15pm MST
LocationFLW Salon I
Perception and Performance