Decision-Centered Design for Post-Implementation Analysis of Automation in The Petrochemical Industry
DescriptionThis case study describes an application of the decision-centered design framework to the use of Advanced Process Control (APC) software by console operators in the petrochemical industry. APC software can achieve greater efficiencies than human operators are able without APC. Anecdotal evidence suggests that some operators are able interpret what the APC is doing, and appropriately intervene when APC is not operating effectively. Others may continue to let the APC run when it has reached the edges of its capabilities. The sponsoring agency was interested in understanding the strategies and information needs of APC experts to inform user interface design improvements. We conducted an in-depth qualitative study by eliciting critical incidents to inform cognitive requirements that support challenging aspects of console operator work and APC use. Although not comprehensive, we successfully identified cognitively complex aspects of work that represent leverage points for supporting cognitive complexities associated with managing APC software.
Event Type
Industry/Practitioner Case Study
TimeTuesday, September 10th4:15pm - 5:15pm MST
LocationFLW Salon C
Cognitive Engineering & Decision Making