

Forensic Analysis of a Traffic Crash Involving Human Factors in Design and Mismanagement of an Industrial Facility
DescriptionLegal counsel representing an insurance provider retained the author’s firm to investigate a loss following a traffic crash that occurred on the street outside an industrial facility in northern California. The author is a Human Factors professional who specializes in accident analysis and prevention. The subject incident was a complex case that involved a workplace and issues of premises and traffic safety. The driveway leading up to a loading dock at an industrial facility proved too short to accommodate trucks making daily deliveries, which ultimately led to a driver’s unsafe behavior and a crash with traffic on a roadway. Human factors analysis played a role in resolving disputes litigated by the parties. This case demonstrates the potential utility of Human Factors analysis to discover meaningful evidence in civil litigation that bolsters claims based on theories that involve issues of design and management of technology at work.
Event Type
Industry/Practitioner Case Study
TimeTuesday, September 10th12pm - 12:15pm MST
LocationFLW Salon A
Forensics Professional