Utilizing Human-Centered Design To Improve Discovery, Analysis, And Collaboration In Population Migration Research
DescriptionThe population migration research community faces challenges analyzing diverse data sources due to siloed efforts leading to a lack of collaboration. This creates two problems for researchers: (1) wasting invaluable time and effort to recreate datasets on their own, and/or (2) approaching topics while lacking the context of relevant data they simply do not know exists. This leads to redundant work, an incomplete picture, and difficulties tracking connections, author contributions, and research evolution. Existing archival research tools have limited abilities to visualize geospatial trends with other data forms and identify specialized authors and sources. To address these issues, we applied human-centered design to develop a software solution that aims to enhance migration research by reducing data processing barriers and enabling intelligent tagging for archiving and querying. The expected outcome is an increase in collaboration through recommendations of researchers, datasets, models, and insights to accelerate research progress while reducing duplicative efforts.
Event Type
TimeTuesday, September 10th4:35pm - 4:55pm MST
LocationFLW Salon D
Usability and System Evaluation