

Using Human Centered Design to Decrease the Risk of Toileting in Hospitals for Patients and Clinicians
DescriptionOne of the most common roadblocks to positive patient outcomes is falls in hospitals. Falls are a critical issue not only for affecting patient outcomes, but also medical expenses as falls increase recovery time and delay discharge. One of the most common causes of falls are activities related to toileting. Toileting is the process of assisting or supervising patients to use the bathroom, often a responsibility of nurses. The focus of this study was to research and develop viable designs that can be effective in minimizing injury to patients and nurses while toileting. By gathering data through surveys and focus groups, we evaluated early-stage design concepts, focusing on the most relevant user-needs and desirable potential solutions. Our intention is to use these insights as the basis for further iterative human-centered design as we develop prototypes and eventually products to assist in hospital toileting.
Event Type
Industry/Practitioner Case Study
TimeWednesday, September 11th10:25am - 10:45am MST
LocationGrand Ballroom
Health Care