

Wandering Through Healthcare: What Patient Journeys Can Tell Us About Improving Patient Safety, Health and Well-Being
DescriptionPatient safety, health, and well-being does not occur in a silo, rather, care unfolds across space and time and across multiple work systems over a patient’s life course. Much of this care occurs outside of health systems and is performed by patients in collaboration with their informal care partners. Therefore, to truly improve patient outcomes (e.g., safety), we need to expand our focus from tasks to processes of care and to work that occurs across work system boundaries, i.e., the Patient Journey. SEIPS 3.0 provides a conceptual grounding to study Patient Journeys, the “spatio-temporal distribution of patients’ interactions with multiple care settings over time”. Yet, studying, designing, and improving patient journeys presents a challenge. Additional approaches are needed to understand the complex interactions that occur within and across work systems. This panel describes diverse projects seeking to understand and redesign patient journeys to optimize patient and care partner well-being.
Event Type
Discussion Panel
TimeTuesday, September 10th4:15pm - 5:15pm MST
LocationGrand Ballroom
Health Care