Ethics Considerations in Human-Machine Interaction
DescriptionHuman-machine interaction (HMI) is a well-researched area of the human factors community. However, as technologies advance, machine systems enabled with artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) pose emerging importance for considering ethics in HMI. Panelists will discuss their expertise and interests concerning ethics in HMI and debate the merits of various ethical philosophies within these contexts. Past and present considerations of ethics in HMI will be discussed, followed by each panelist emphasizing why and how ethics in HMI should be investigated. Experimental design and methods of analysis for effective HMI research will be discussed, either those which have been adopted by the panelists or those they believe should be adopted to advance the human factors discipline. Human-centered considerations for ethics in HMI will be discussed, along with topics such as what machines (should) expect from humans and whether machines should be treated as collaborators or mere tools in HMI.
Event Type
Discussion Panel
TimeWednesday, September 11th3pm - 4pm MST
Human AI Robot Teaming (AI)