

Early Career Insights in Human Factors Engineering Across Academia and Industry
DescriptionThe goal of this panel is to feature human factors (HF) professionals working across industry and academia who have recently begun their careers. As HF engineering is an atypical profession, this panel aims to provide guidance from newly established professionals to those looking to begin their careers. Takeaways from this discussion will include what professions are available, how to gain relevant knowledge and experience, lessons learned, and support panelists wish they had received when beginning their careers.

This panel is unique because of the focus on emerging professionals and the variation across panelists’ experiences. By convening early-career individuals from diverse sectors, the panel promotes interdisciplinary dialogue and exchange of ideas. This interaction cultivates fresh perspectives, while also encouraging others to enter the field, thereby aiding in the advancement of HF. Furthermore, this panel provides insights that leaders, managers, and mentors can use in their interactions with early-career HF engineers.
Event Type
Discussion Panel
TimeWednesday, September 11th3pm - 4pm MST
LocationFLW Salon G
Student Forum