Future of Team Research: On Teamness and Dimensions of Variability in Teams
DescriptionTeams are increasingly essential in modern work environments. According to the team science literature, teams function through team cognition that emerges as people interdependently work toward shared goals. However, predominant definitions in teaming research have been challenged by novel concepts in recent empirical team studies, including non-human teammates and interactive team cognition. Additionally, the variability in team characteristics and contexts complicates the generalizability of empirical findings. To address these issues, Cooke and colleagues (2023) introduced "teamness", a multidimensional construct for characterizing the extent of team cognition arising from team interactions. In this panel discussion, cognitive scientists representing a wide range of expertise will provide perspectives on the broad state of team science frameworks and methods, the generalizability of team research findings across applied team research domains, and the utility of teamness and similar context-sensitive multidimensional paradigms for their research applications.
Event Type
Discussion Panel
TimeThursday, September 12th4:15pm - 5:15pm MST
Human AI Robot Teaming (AI)