

The Role of Anthropometry in Ergonomics Design for Occupational Safety: Current Status and Gaps
DescriptionAnthropometric data and design principles are fundamental to the application of ergonomics. Examples of applications of anthropometric data used for design include workplaces and equipment, personal protective equipment (PPE) ranging from respirators to protective clothing, vehicle cabins, and wearable devices including passive and powered exoskeletons. In spite of the centrality of anthropometry to good design, a range of anthropometric data sources are used by ergonomists, manufacturers, and designers. These sources vary in terms of representativeness to occupational populations and the currency of the datasets. Individual researchers and practitioners may not have the expertise and resources required to collect representative samples of data or, in some cases, purchase data relevant to their needs. The Panel Discussion will explore the current state of anthropometric data used for occupational safety and health purposes as well as potential approaches that can increase the quality of anthropometric applications by practitioners and designers.
Event Type
Discussion Panel
TimeThursday, September 12th1:30pm - 2:30pm MST
LocationFLW Salon H
Occupational Ergonomics