Improving Healthcare Safety: What New and Not-So-New Insights From the Safety-II Framework for Safety Improvement in Complex Adaptive Systems
DescriptionThis panel is to assess new insights from using a safety science framework known as “Safety II” in healthcare based on experiences in recent empirical and theoretical explorations. Sustained safety improvement in healthcare is challenged by complexity and adaptation typical of the environment in which healthcare is delivered. The active, critical role of patients and care partners is crucial to safety for majority of healthcare delivery across the entire continuum of care, including emergency departments, inpatient care, and in home and community settings. Fundamental questions remain on how to assess safety in terms of success, failures such as adverse events or procedural deviations, and whether safety programs should be a mixture to achieve failure prevention, harm amelioration, and resilience. What insights are valuable from the Safety-II framework? In this panel, researchers in healthcare share their learning in recent efforts to unpack safety and to develop safety improvement strategies.
Event Type
Discussion Panel
TimeThursday, September 12th4:15pm - 5:15pm MST
LocationGrand Ballroom
Health Care