

Relationship Between Anthropometric Traits and Perceived Fit, Comfort, and Adjustability in Shoulder and Back Exoskeletons among Female Users
DescriptionOccupational exoskeletons are wearable devices developed to reduce the risk of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) across various industries. Despite their growing use, a knowledge gap exists in understanding how anthropometric traits impact perceptions of comfort, fit, and adjustability, especially among female users. This study explored the relationship between users' anthropometric characteristics and their subjective ratings of three types of shoulder and back exoskeletons, aiming to define optimal adjustable ranges of exoskeleton components. Twenty female adults (1.64±0.07 m, 65.6±11.3 kg) participated by wearing each exoskeleton and performing a series of motions and postures, followed by providing subjective feedback on the comfort, fit, and adjustability of each device. Multiple linear regression findings revealed that: 1) for the Laevo FLEX V3.0 back exoskeleton, fit and adjustability were significantly correlated with shoulder breadth and back breadth; 2) for the Ottobock Paexo Back back exoskeleton, fit was significantly correlated with waist breadth, and adjustability with chest height, shoulder-elbow length, upper arm circumference, chest girth, waist breadth, and waist girth; 3) for the COMAU MATEXT shoulder exoskeleton, comfort was significantly correlated with shoulder breadth and thigh circumference, but no significant correlations were found for fit and adjustability. These outcomes pave the way for further exploration of anthropometric dimensions and procedures needed in exoskeleton design and customization to enhance user experience and effectiveness. Identified influential body measurements can be used as primary dimensions for multivariate analyses to develop improved exoskeleton component adjustment ranges and a potential sizing system for female users.
Professor and Rogelio Roger Benavides Memorial Chair
Event Type
Late Breaking Results
TimeFriday, September 13th10:35am - 10:45am MST
LocationFLW Salon B