

Modifying Extension Ladder Configurations Improve Stepping Safety During Climbing
DescriptionExtension ladder falls are common, and often injurious events. Missteps are a common cause of ladder falls, with the shift between extension ladder sections (upper section stacked on top of the base, towards the user) being a contributing factor in some extension ladder falls. This study investigated the effects of a reversed fly configuration on foot placement and adverse stepping events (repositioning the foot or kicking the rung). During descent, the reversed configuration had farther anterior foot placements (rung contacted nearer to midfoot) compared to the traditional configuration. During ascent, the reversed configuration had farther posterior foot placements (rung contacted nearer to toes) compared to the traditional configuration. The reversed configuration had less adverse stepping events than the traditional configuration (5 vs. 22). These results indicate that the reversed extension ladder configuration offers potential benefits in decreasing slip/misstep risk that should motivate future research on extension ladder design and development.
Event Type
TimeFriday, September 13th9:45am - 10:15am MST
LocationFLW Salon H
Occupational Ergonomics