2D and 3D Augmented Reality Attention Cueing Comparisons in 3D Target Search
DescriptionThe problem we examine is how to support searching for a target in a complex real-world wide visual field scene or “search field”. Vast amounts of research using 2D flat panel displays have explored this visual search paradigm, and established the extent to which it can often be inefficient and error-prone, but these challenges can be mitigated by attention guidance cues. Extension of the paradigm to wide FOV 3D scenes is less frequent. This research thus addresses the effect of cue dimensionality on improving search. Participants searched for human targets appearing in one of 32 building windows within a 116X90 deg VR scene. An Augmented Reality HMD provided either 3D or 2D arrow cues pointing toward the suspected target. Both cue types greatly improved performance compared to no cues. Furthermore 2D cues supported search that was both significantly faster and more accurate than 2D cues.
Event Type
TimeTuesday, September 10th10:05am - 10:25am MST
LocationFLW Salon J
Extended Reality