

Multi-Stage Evaluation Using Gonuke
DescriptionMulti-stage validation (MSV) has become an important concept in nuclear power plant control room design and modernization. As defined in NEA-7466 (2019), MSV consists of multiple stages of collecting evidence that establish reasonable confidence in the design. The emphasis is on systematic accrual of evidence, meaning each stage of validation builds on previous evidence. As defined by Boring et al. (2015), validation is empirical evidence collected through human-in-the-loop studies, whereas verification is typically expert comparison of a design against formalized standards. The Guideline for Operational Nuclear Usability and Knowledge Elicitation (GONUKE) was created as a framework to support different types of human factors evaluations across different stages of the design and development life cycle. The GONUKE approach did not originally address MSV. In this paper, we show how GONUKE specifically aligns to MSV. We then expand the discussion to include multi-stage evaluation, meaning both validation and verification.
Manager & Distinguished Scientist
Associate Professor
Event Type
TimeThursday, September 12th4:35pm - 4:55pm MST
LocationFLW Salon B
System Development