

Considerations for Developing Patient-centered Clinical Decision Support: Preventing Older Adult Falls after Emergency Department Visits
DescriptionMeasuring true patient-centered outcomes from deployed clinical decision support (CDS) is difficult. Often, process metrics are used to ensure that CDS is functioning as intended to drive desired physician behavior, but these process metrics run the risk of ignoring gaps in care systems that can occur downstream. In our work designing and implementing an Emergency Department (ED)-based CDS to refer older adults at risk of future falls to an outpatient fall prevention clinic, talking to patients to understand their perceptions of and concerns about the referral and Falls Clinic has been essential. Further, given our CDS uses a machine learning (ML) algorithm to initiate the intervention, we actively sought older adults’ feedback about the automated component of the CDS. Thus, in this study, we aimed to describe older adults’ perspectives of an ED-based CDS for preventing future falls.
Event Type
TimeThursday, September 12th3:40pm - 4pm MST
LocationGrand Ballroom
Health Care