ACESO: An Optimized System for Collecting Granular Data on Patient Care Sequences and Infection Prevention Practices
DescriptionRecent outbreaks of viral respiratory or resistant bacterial pathogens underscore the critical importance of infection prevention and control (IPC) measures in safeguarding healthcare professionals (HCPs), patients, and the environment against transmission of infectious agents. To identify the root causes of suboptimal IPC practices, such as low hand-hygiene (HH) compliance and improper personal protective equipment (PPE) use, we created the Applied Care Event Sequence Observation (ACESO) system. We used human factors engineering concepts to evaluate various observational tools developed for prior studies and create ACESO’s highly structured data-collection form and related electronic data-entry and compilation templates. The ACESO system streamlined the collection, entry, and initial analysis of granular data about patient-care sequences. Our initial findings revealed concerning trends, particularly regarding suboptimal HH compliance observed during HCP’s patient-care processes. Additionally, our observations revealed instances of HCPs touching various surfaces with potentially contaminated gloves, heightening the risk of cross-contamination within healthcare units.
Event Type
TimeTuesday, September 10th3pm - 3:20pm MST
LocationGrand Ballroom
Health Care