

Supporting Driver Attention Towards Potential Hazards During Takeover: A Preliminary Result
DescriptionThis study investigates the impact of a supportive system on takeover transitions in conditional autonomous driving. The supportive system is designed to direct drivers' attention toward potential hazards in the environment when a takeover request occurs, excluding the event triggering the takeover request. The study comprises two components: (1) identifying types of potential hazards using naturalistic driving data, and (2) conducting a driving simulator study to develop and assess a gaze guidance system based on a theoretical model of selective visual attention. The results indicate that drivers using a highly salient attention guidance system were less likely to collide with a secondary hazard during takeover transitions. This suggests that gaze guidance support is an effective approach for assisting drivers during takeover transitions.
Event Type
Industry/Practitioner Case Study
TimeWednesday, September 11th8:50am - 9:10am MST
LocationFLW Salon G
Surface Transportation