

A Safety II Approach to NICU Nursing Workload: Unanticipated Workload Challenges and Self-Initiated Mitigation Strategies
DescriptionHeavy nursing workload presents a significant challenge in the neonatal intensive care units (NICU) since it is closely associated with adverse patient safety outcomes such as missed care, medication errors, hospital-acquired infections, and mortality. While multiple studies examined the challenges ICU nurses encounter that contribute to their high workload, most of these were done in adult ICUs, with limited investigation in the NICUs that have unique complexities of caring for critically ill infants. These infants are susceptible to even minor variations in care due to their fragility, underdeveloped organs, and limited communication abilities. In this study, we implemented a qualitative research approach guided by a conceptual framework of nursing workload to identify these unanticipated challenges experienced by NICU nurses that may increase their workload unexpectedly. Additionally, using a Safety-II approach, this study explores strategies that these frontline care professionals self-develop and employ to mitigate the effects of these challenges.
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Event Type
TimeFriday, September 13th8:30am - 8:50am MST
LocationGrand Ballroom
Health Care