

Simplifying a Medication Adherence App for Persons with Mild Cognitive Impairment
DescriptionPeople with mild cognitive impairment (PwMCI) experience cognitive changes beyond what is expected for their age and education. PwMCI are at a greater risk of dementia and this risk is greater in those with co-morbid hypertension. Our team developed MEDSReM-M© (Medication Education, Decision Support, Reminding and Monitoring-Memory), a mobile app designed to improve medication adherence to antihypertensive medications in PwMCI. MEDSReM-M© builds on the MEDSReM© system that was developed for cognitively normal older adults. We have iteratively simplified MEDSReM© to meet the needs of PwMCI through needs assessments, cognitive walkthroughs, heuristic evaluations, and iterative usability testing. We will review the key findings from the MEDSReM-M© design and user testing phase to illustrate how MEDSReM© was modified to create a simplified and narrowly focused app suitable for use by PwMCI. Our approach provides guidance for the adaptation of other mHealth systems for use by PwMCI.
Event Type
TimeWednesday, September 11th8:50am - 9:10am MST
LocationGrand Ballroom
Health Care