Relationship Between Arousal and Technical Performance in the Oil & Gas Sector: An Investigation Using a Simulated Well Control Scenario
DescriptionThe Oil & Gas sector is predominant in the world energy landscape, as it covers more than half of the global primary energy demand. The exploitation of subsoil resources requires respecting well control conditions to prevent accidents that may lead to catastrophic consequences. Training is mostly focused on reinforcing incident response preparedness and on practicing emergency response plans. However, responses in emergency situations are not only affected by the operators’ technical skills, but also by their mental workload and stress levels. In the present study, we evaluated performance and cardiovascular responses in a simulated well control scenario that involved a critical event to assess whether cardiac responses reflected the changes in the demands imposed by the different phases of the task and to characterize the relationship between arousal and performance. Our results can provide information to guide the development of training procedures integrating technical skills and human factors.
Event Type
TimeThursday, September 12th9:45am - 10:05am MST
LocationFLW Salon I