

Macroergonomics in Practice: A Needs Assessment of the Health Improvement Through Employee Control (HITEC) Project
DescriptionCorrectional officers (COs) face considerable job-related stressors and consistently have worse life and job-related outcomes compared to other state employees. In 2006, The Center for the Promotion of Health in the New England Workplace (CPH-NEW) began working jointly with the Connecticut Department of Correction (CT DOC) on the Health Improvement Through Employee Control (HITEC) project. HITEC utilized a participatory ergonomics framework centered on design teams of front-line COs to generate and implement occupational health and safety interventions.

Recently, the HITEC project began an initiative to transition the leadership and coordination responsibilities of the project to CT DOC entirely. A needs assessment was performed to determine the organizational policies that needed to be addressed via training, effective instructional methods for implementation, and the design of the training evaluation process.

This proposal will describe the assessment process, present findings related to the leadership transition, and propose insights relevant to the macroergonomics field.
Event Type
TimeWednesday, September 11th9am - 9:15am MST
LocationFLW Salon I