

Evaluating Human-Robot Teaming Strategies for Disaster Response Operations with a Functional Network Model of Work
DescriptionRobots have a history of deployment in disaster response efforts, however significant cognitive load incurred by operators during these dynamic scenarios points at the need for better designed teamwork between human teams and the robot technology. Robots promise unique benefits that can aid in response efforts, including accessing areas too unsafe for human teams and additional sensing capabilities. However, adding new agents whether it be the robots themselves or the automation they employ is not a zero cost coordination process. Therefore, adding non-human agents to the domain changes the nature of work itself as automation must be adequately supervised and directed when need be, especially in the face of dynamic unexpected events in the environment. A functional network model of the work domain allows for an analysis of the distributed work effects of adding new interdependent agents, especially how teaming strategies change as time progresses in a dynamic environment.
Event Type
TimeFriday, September 13th10:05am - 10:25am MST
LocationGrand Ballroom
Human AI Robot Teaming (AI)