The Role of eHMI in Reducing Driver Overtaking Decisions Around Low Speed Automated Vehicles Yielding to Pedestrians
DescriptionAs low speed automated vehicles (LSAVs) are further introduced into our driving fleet, driver-LSAV interactions may put pedestrians and other vulnerable road users at risk, as drivers could be confused by LSAVs and respond inappropriately when a pedestrian is present. A total of 242 participants with a driver’s license participated in an online survey to assess the ambiguity of the external human-machine interface (eHMI) or signaling system used by a recently deployed LSAV. Participants were shown signaling conditions presented as animated GIFs, and were told to imagine they were following the LSAV as it stopped and turned on the signal. Participants were more likely to indicate that they would overtake the MCM when presented with the flashing hazards eHMI while the MCM was turning right compared to the alternative signal conditions. Correct shuttle behavior interpretation was found to be an important influence in participants' choice in overtaking or waiting behaviors.
Assistant Scientist
Associate Research Professor
Event Type
TimeThursday, September 12th3:20pm - 3:40pm MST
LocationFLW Salon G
Surface Transportation