

The Impact of Meaningful Vibrotactile Displays on User Preferences Across Age Groups in Automated Driving
DescriptionAutomated vehicles may enhance the quality of life by empowering individuals and promoting independence, especially for older adults. However, takeovers are still required occasionally. Meaningful takeover displays as takeover requests could be a good option to improve takeover efficiency; however, subjective evaluations of these displays have not been conducted. The goal of this study was to investigate drivers of all ages (20-84) on their perception of vibrotactile displays, varied in information types and locations, on a large population scale (n = 353) through a national survey. The results indicated a preference for informative patterns over instructional patterns and displays on the seat back over the seat pan. Also, a higher level of perceived urgency was noted in older participants (age ≥ 65) compared with younger participants. These findings may inform the design of next-generation tactile interfaces in automated systems.
Event Type
TimeThursday, September 12th10:05am - 10:25am MST
LocationFLW Salon G
Surface Transportation