

Mapping Human-Agent Co-Learning and Co-Adaptation: A Scoping Review
DescriptionThe rapid advancement of technology, particularly in artificial intelligence (AI) and collaborative robots (jointly called intelligent agents), has led to an increasing emphasis on collaborative partnerships between humans and intelligent agents. Such collaborations are seen as pivotal in leveraging the respective strengths of humans and AI to achieve collective goals efficiently and effectively. Though human and intelligent agents can interact and collaborate in a hybrid team in many possible ways to achieve complementary expertise, one specific type of relationship called “co-learning” (interchangeably called “co-adaptation) drew our attention. We define this “co-learning” relationship as when human and intelligent agent(s) in a team have shared goals and task environments, and during the collaboration, human and intelligent agent continuously learn from and adapt to each other, while at the same time learn from and adapt to the task environment; successful collaboration is made possible through effective communication between human and the agent.