Negative Emotions Post-Virtual Reality Usage: A Preliminary Exploratory Study Using Online Forums
DescriptionAs the virtual reality (VR) industry continues to grow, it becomes important to understand how individuals interact with VR outside of a controlled laboratory setting. The physical effects of VR such as fatigue are well-known, but research on emotional effects is not as common. The aim of this study is to explore VR head-mounted display users’ negative emotions regarding at-home VR usage. Examining 140 forum posts (with 118 from Reddit), the emotions, activities, and suggestions were extracted from the posts. The emotions were classified based on Plutchik’s wheel of emotions. Thematic analysis was used in coding posters’ activities and suggestions. The results suggest ‘fear’ is the most common category of negative emotion experienced by posters. This work can help generate research questions to further examine VR use in naturalistic settings. Future work can include studies with a larger scope, extracting posts from a longer timeline and with fewer inclusion criteria.
Event Type
TimeTuesday, September 10th4:55pm - 5:15pm MST
LocationFLW Salon J
Extended Reality