

Exploring Technological Challenges in Telehealth for Allied Healthcare Practices
DescriptionThe COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of telehealth across healthcare systems, permanently transforming the way care is delivered. While telehealth has significantly enhanced healthcare accessibility, this transition has also introduced challenges in maintaining high standards of care. Furthermore, new technological challenges compounded by resource constraints have emerged. Allied healthcare providers, who often face resource limitations themselves, play a crucial role in delivering comprehensive care, including diagnostics, therapy, and support services. To delve deeper into these challenges, we conducted semi-structured online interviews, aiming to uncover the specific ergonomic obstacles that allied healthcare professionals, notably audiologists and speech-language pathologists face during telehealth consultations. By shedding light on their unique experiences, this work aims to pave the way for enhancements in telehealth ergonomics within the allied health sector, providing actionable recommendations that enhance telehealth ergonomics, thereby elevating the quality of remote healthcare services while addressing concerns from both practitioners' and patients' perspectives.
Event Type
TimeWednesday, September 11th9:10am - 9:30am MST
LocationGrand Ballroom
Health Care