

Human Perception of Floor Plan Evacuatability: How Easy is it to Evacuate?
DescriptionCurrently there is no easy way to rate the ease of evacuation from a building in case of fire or a shooter. Multiple tools, based on agent-based models, exist to simulate building evacuation. However, they have not been compared with human perceptual data of how easy people think it would be to evacuate from a building. This research is part of a project to establish an EASE score (Evacuation with Acceptable Simplicity in Emergencies) and validate that metric with human data. In this study, the authors asked participants to evaluate seven 2D building floor plans for ease of evacuation. There is a gap in the research on perceptions of floor plans which motivated this study’s research questions: 1) Do non-expert users agree on the ease of building evacuation? 2) What factors do viewers use to evaluate ease of evacuation?
Event Type
TimeWednesday, September 11th9:10am - 9:30am MST
LocationFLW Salon C
Cognitive Engineering & Decision Making