Laboratory Methods for a Pilot Study of the U.S. YouthShape Survey of Child and Youth Anthropometry and Physical Capability
SessionCI1: Children's Issues
DescriptionData on the body dimensions of youth are widely used in design and regulatory applications. However, the dimensional data that are publicly available for U.S. youth are sparse and out of date. The University of Michigan (U-M) conducted the last large-scale, detailed study of youth anthropometry in the U.S. in the 1970s. The U.S. CDC gathers data on stature, body weight, and a few other measures from youth as part of its ongoing National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), but these data are insufficient for most design and safety applications. To address this gap, methods were developed to gather detailed, integrated, three-dimensional (3D) data on anthropometry and to characterize the physical capability of children from ages 3 through 17 years. This proceeding provides an overview of the methods developed in a pilot study.
Event Type
TimeWednesday, September 11th10:05am - 10:25am MST
LocationFLW Salon A
Children's Issues