Task Characteristics Impact Optimal Support Settings of Arm Support Exoskeletons
DescriptionPassive arm support exoskeletons have been proposed as an intervention that could reduce fatigue among construction workers performing shoulder intensive tasks. Although many studies have shown that muscle activity is reduced when wearing an ASE, the majority of studies tested a fixed level of support without normalizing torque(support) relative to the persons height and weight making it challenging to recommend optimal support settings for an individual. Further, optimal settings may change based on different characteristics of the task. The location of the work, the type of work performed, and the environment it is performed in may each influence safe and preferred support settings. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the optimal support settings based on reduction of muscle activity, perceived exertion, and individual preferences while performing tasks that varied in location (overhead versus wall) and type (sustained versus repetitive).
Event Type
TimeWednesday, September 11th8:30am - 8:50am MST
LocationFLW Salon H
Occupational Ergonomics