Impacts of Medical Webpage Usability on Patient Decision Making
SessionUSE8: Usability Potpourri
DescriptionThe study examined how a medical website's text quantity affects users' cognitive load and willingness to continue using the site. Participants were presented with webpages varying in text quantity. Measures included pre-test and post-test cognitive load, accuracy, duration, self-rated confidence, willingness to continue using the webpage, and perceived reliability. Results showed that higher cognitive load was associated with increased willingness to continue using the website and higher perceived reliability. Participants who found the website more reliable were more willing to continue using it but reported lower confidence in completing tasks. The findings suggest that while minimizing cognitive load is important, a certain level of cognitive engagement may be necessary to foster user investment and reliability in medical websites. The study highlights the need for balance between usability and providing comprehensive, reliable information that may require more cognitive effort to process.
Event Type
TimeFriday, September 13th9:10am - 9:30am MST
LocationFLW Salon D
Usability and System Evaluation