Designing for Trust: Supporting Human-Machine Teaming in Space Domain Awareness
DescriptionWe conducted a Cognitive Task Analysis to identify implications for effective Human-Machine Teaming (HMT) and operator trust of autonomous space sensing systems for Space Domain Awareness (SDA). SDA is a developing mission area within the U.S. Space Force (USSF) focused on continuous detection, cataloging, and monitoring of resident space objects (RSOs) within Earth’s orbit. Legacy software systems such as Space Defense Operations Center (SPADOC) are struggling to meet the rapid proliferation of RSOs, increasing the demand for sensor time and observations, and producing significantly more volumes of data. We leveraged the Critical Decision Method and HMT Knowledge Audit to 1) explore how operators make decisions, 2) identify the cognitive challenges of current work and anticipated future work, and 3) identify design implications for SDA decision-support technologies that support key tasks such as planning, sensor availability management, and interpretation of sensor observations.
Event Type
TimeThursday, September 12th4:35pm - 4:55pm MST
LocationFLW Salon C
Cognitive Engineering & Decision Making