71. Adaptive Clothing for People With Spinal Cord Injury In Activities of Daily Living, Occupational Managemen and Sports
SessionPoster Session 1
DescriptionThis study explores the needs of people with spinal cord injury (SCI) in adaptive clothing in the context of activities of daily living, occupational management, and sports. Twenty participants with SCI were recruited for individual semi-structured interviews. Three themes under each of the three contexts emerged. Suggestions were made to cope with the addressed needs and concerns.
Event Type
TimeWednesday, September 11th5:30pm - 6:30pm MST
LocationMcArthur Ballroom
Aerospace Systems
Cognitive Engineering & Decision Making
Computer Systems
Forensics Professional
Health Care
Human Performance Modeling
Individual Differences in Performance
Perception and Performance
Product Design
Usability and System Evaluation
Extended Reality