23. Using a Self-Compassion Intervention to Increase Engineering Self-Efficacy of Women Pursuing Engineering in Higher Education
SessionPoster Session 2
DescriptionWomen are still underrepresented in fields related to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). The most significant gender gap being engineering, where women make up only 21% of engineering majors. Lack of self-efficacy is one variable that has been implicated as a barrier for women in engineering. Self-compassion has been shown to be strongly correlated with self-efficacy. The current study investigates the effects of a self-compassion mindstate induction (SCMI) intervention on engineering self-efficacy, while also exploring how gender and race discrimination from faculty and peers may play a role. The results suggest that participants in the SCMI condition experienced a significant increase in engineering self-efficacy from Time 1 to Time 2 when controlling for discrimination in the women's environment. Self-compassion-based interventions that have the potential to increase engineering self-efficacy may be particularly helpful to women who experience more gender and race discrimination in their environment.
Event Type
TimeThursday, September 12th5:30pm - 6:30pm MST
LocationMcArthur Ballroom
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