12. Context Contributes to Two-Factor Authentication Choices
SessionPoster Session 2
DescriptionTwo-factor authentication (2FA) has continuously become a more commonly used method of security in work, finance, and personal accounts. By introducing a second layer of verification, 2FA improves the security of user accounts beyond the regular password. Despite its benefits, the adoption of 2FA has remained low amongst users. A consistent finding across studies is that users prioritize the usability of a 2FA method over the security benefits it provides. However, this body of research overlooks the influence of perceived account importance on decisions to adopt 2FA and on perceptions around different 2FA methods. The goal of this study is close this gap in the literature by analyzing the effects of account context on 2FA choices and perceptions. While doing this, we are also taking into account users' inclination towards using a preferred 2FA method. The goal is insights that can improve adoption of 2FA.
Event Type
TimeThursday, September 12th5:30pm - 6:30pm MST
LocationMcArthur Ballroom
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