

52. Usability of Remote Patient Monitoring and Telemonitoring Systems: A Literature Review
DescriptionThe landscape of TRPM usability remains unexplored with little knowledge of user needs and characteristics, interface design, data interpretation, system integration, and user training. Understanding these usability issues is crucial for the successful implementation and adoption of TRPM technologies. By comprehensively exploring these knowledge gaps, the goal of the current research is to inform the development of more usable and effective TRPM solutions. Accordingly, an overarching aim of this study is to conduct a systematic review of the literature regarding the usability of TRPM systems and applications. Our findings reveal the current trends in TRPM applications, usability assessments, new features, and future paths for the integration of smart technologies and AI.
Event Type
TimeWednesday, September 11th5:30pm - 6:30pm MST
LocationMcArthur Ballroom
Aerospace Systems
Cognitive Engineering & Decision Making
Computer Systems
Forensics Professional
Health Care
Human Performance Modeling
Individual Differences in Performance
Perception and Performance
Product Design
Usability and System Evaluation
Extended Reality