70. An Investigation Into the Practicality of Employing Immersive Virtual Reality to Evaluate Ergonomic Risks Associated With the Peri-Care Task
SessionPoster Session 2
DescriptionVirtual Reality (VR) is a promising new technology that has already seen widespread use in the realm of education and training across many different industries. In recent years, other fields have begun to expand the usage of virtual reality by incorporating it into ergonomic risk assessment. This research analyzes the feasibility of using immersive virtual reality for the purpose of ergonomic risk assessment of the peri care task in the context of the healthcare industry. Eight individuals participated in virtual reality and traditional training for peri care. Video analysis was used to conduct REBA assessments following completion of training. The findings showed a statistically significant variance in REBA scores between the VR and traditional training groups, with significantly higher scores for the traditional training group. A significant difference in the body posture found in the position of the neck and trunk.
Event Type
TimeThursday, September 12th5:30pm - 6:30pm MST
LocationMcArthur Ballroom
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