4. Vulnerable Communities in the Face of Heat: A Pilot Study on Perceptions, Behaviors and Support Networks During Heat Events
SessionPoster Session 2
DescriptionExtreme heat is the cause of most US weather-related deaths and is a serious risk for older adults, children, and people with medical issues living in vulnerable neighborhoods. This study explored how extreme heat events affect vulnerable communities, focusing on people’s perceptions, adaptive behaviors, and social network support. Mobile ecological momentary assessment through Short Message Service was employed to collect real-time data from residents in a socioeconomically challenged urban neighborhood in Iowa. Participants responded to text messages with survey links twice daily during heat events over the summer, in which they were asked about their perceptions and behaviors. The results show the need for targeted, inclusive, and effective heat warnings and social network support to reduce heat risks and help vulnerable communities better cope with extreme heat.
Event Type
TimeThursday, September 12th5:30pm - 6:30pm MST
LocationMcArthur Ballroom
Augmented Cognition
Children's Issues
Environmental Design
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