102. An Analysis of Detectability of Vulnerable Road Users Using Fuzzy Signal Detection Theory
SessionPoster Session 2
DescriptionIt is important that advanced driver assistance systems provide drivers with alarms at the time when the driver fails to detect vulnerable road users (VRUs). Therefore, it is necessary to be investigated when VRUs can be detected by the drivers. In this study, we employed the paradigm which developed by Yang et al. (2024) to analyse the detectability of VRUs at the intersection. Nine VRUs, including pedestrians, bicycles, and motorbikes in the same, opposite, and orthogonal directions as the driver were involved. As the results, pedestrians and motorbikes showed lower detectability than bicycles. On the other hand, the VRUs in the same direction as the driver showed lower detectability than the VRUs in other directions.
Event Type
TimeThursday, September 12th5:30pm - 6:30pm MST
LocationMcArthur Ballroom
Augmented Cognition
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Environmental Design
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Surface Transportation
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