22. The Tough Sell of Resilience Engineering
SessionPoster Session 1
DescriptionDespite the obvious benefits of Resilience Engineering (RE) and the growth in popularity as a field of research, we have found RE to be a tough sell. That is, it can be exceptionally difficult to convince technology development teams to adopt RE tools. Based on working with various technology development teams, we have found that current RE tools 1) require too much effort, 2) have unobvious value, 3) require the technology to already exist, 4) exceed the scope of technology developers, and 5) do not readily translate to systems engineering artifacts used by developers. These challenges are shaped by a variety of factors, including the mechanism design of systems engineering. Development teams are judged by functionality implemented, budget, and schedule, and RE tools detract from budget and schedule without measurable gains on immediate functionality. We provide recommendations for future RE tools to be more widely adopted by technology development teams.
Event Type
TimeWednesday, September 11th5:30pm - 6:30pm MST
LocationMcArthur Ballroom
Aerospace Systems
Cognitive Engineering & Decision Making
Computer Systems
Forensics Professional
Health Care
Human Performance Modeling
Individual Differences in Performance
Perception and Performance
Product Design
Usability and System Evaluation
Extended Reality