

94. An Information Theoretic Approach to Understanding the Information Gain During Laparoscopic Motor Skill Training
DescriptionLaparoscopic surgery training tasks are examples of tasks requiring psychomotor skills, as they use mental planning to perform precise physical movements. These skills are typically evaluated using learning curves based on performance. Several learning curves have been previously generated from performance metrics within specific psychomotor skill tasks; however, these learning curves do not measure the amount of information that a repetition of the task provides. Here, we propose an information gain model with a Bernoulli outcome variable specified by a Beta skill parameter to measure information from task repetitions. Twenty participants completed continuous laparoscopic Matchboard training task trials until a proficiency metric was reached. The information gain model was calibrated using 16 participants' trials and validated with the remaining data. It was found that the information gain approach for stopping training can be utilized to determine if proficiency metrics are adequate for adjudicating proficiency in motor skills tasks.
Corresponding Author/Contributors
Event Type
TimeWednesday, September 11th5:30pm - 6:30pm MST
LocationMcArthur Ballroom
Aerospace Systems
Cognitive Engineering & Decision Making
Computer Systems
Forensics Professional
Health Care
Human Performance Modeling
Individual Differences in Performance
Perception and Performance
Product Design
Usability and System Evaluation
Extended Reality