3. Promoting Physical Activity in Long-Term Care With Augmented Reality Experiences
SessionPoster Session 2
DescriptionThe CDC (2019) highlights regular physical activity as crucial for healthy aging, helping prevent or manage chronic diseases in adults over 50. Many older adults lack motivation to exercise, but exergaming, combining exercise and video games, can make it more enjoyable (Yim and Graham 2007). Pedaling exercises are a convenient way to implement exergaming. 2RaceWithMe (2RWM) integrates biking with global travel via augmented reality, and is currently used in a number of eldercare settings across Canada. We evaluated 2RWM in New Brunswick long-term care centers (2021-2023) to assess exercise frequency, video engagement, staff interest, and to identify opportunities for design improvement. This paper reports on the study results and discusses implications for the use of exergaming to boost physical activity in older people.
Event Type
TimeThursday, September 12th5:30pm - 6:30pm MST
LocationMcArthur Ballroom
Augmented Cognition
Children's Issues
Environmental Design
General Sessions
Human AI Robot Teaming (AI)
Occupational Ergonomics
Student Forum
Surface Transportation
System Development