

Celebrating the Contributions of Dr. Robert W. Proctor to the Field of Human Factors
DescriptionThis symposium celebrates the life of Dr. Robert W. Proctor by highlighting his contributions to the field of Human Factors. Dr. Proctor is a “complete psychologist” who had broad knowledge of both basic and applied research. He emphasized the importance of using evidence-based research about human information processing in the design of simple and complex systems. He was a Fellow of HFES, an Editorial Board Member for Human Factors, and a long-time faculty advisor for the Purdue HFES Student Chapter. A panel of HFES Fellows and Proctor's graduates will step through different aspects of Dr. Proctor's career to show how his deep engagement in research across the fields of psychology, emphasis on research rigor and the science of psychology, and training of human factors researchers and professionals made a broad and sustained impact. We hope this celebration of his professional contributions will inspire the next generation of HFE researchers.
Event Type
Invited Symposium
TimeTuesday, September 10th11:15am - 12:15pm MST
LocationFLW Salon J
Perception and Performance