The Role of Simulation-Based Evaluations of Physical and Virtual Mock-Ups in Designing Safer Hospital Environments
DescriptionBuilt environment features that negatively impact patients and staff are sometimes unwittingly incorporated into spaces during the facility design process. Given the relatively permanent nature of healthcare facilities, once constructed, the built environment shapes care delivery for decades to come. Simulation-based evaluation, where clinical scenarios are enacted in full scale mock-ups of proposed designs to proactively identify safety risks, are being used to iteratively provide feedback to the design team about the layout and design of the unit so that design improvements can be made before the facility is built. In this symposium, we share work from three different healthcare facility design projects where simulation-based evaluation was used extensively and iteratively to not only inform design decision making but also to actively engage both designers and clinicians in co-designing high-risk patient care spaces. The speakers will share how their approach can be integrated within the fast-paced design process.
Professor, Architecture and Industrial Engineering
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
Global Practice Director, Applied Research, HKS
Event Type
Invited Symposium
TimeTuesday, September 10th9:45am - 10:45am MST
LocationGrand Ballroom
Health Care