

Workshop on Election Integrity
DescriptionVoting is a highly complex ecosystem. Constitutionally, rather than a single set of election rules, election rules exist for each of the 3,000+ counties in the U.S., requiring intentionality when designing systems for election operations. Election administrators are often under-equipped to assess system changes required by law or to increase voter access. As part of their job description, election administrators are required to master 15+ domains–with HF/E-related aspects including designing ballots, training poll workers, allocating resources, accommodating all citizens, and planning in-person voting, vote-by-mail, and overseas voting. Election administrators desperately need support, with many requesting help to no avail. Election systems offer a unique opportunity for applied and theoretical HF/E research. Initial research on ballot design, voting errors, and equipment accessibility indicates the start of the work needed in elections. However, many aspects of election systems and voting still need to be explored, and we need your help.

In the spirit of bringing together HF/E professionals with industries where assistance is needed, the HFES Government Relationship Committee presents the Election Integrity workshop, where we call all members of the HFES community, regardless of experience, expertise, or background, to join election experts, government officials, and fellow academics in learning how to get involved in improving election integrity. Several guest speakers, including current and former election officials, government officials, and academic researchers, will present current challenges faced in elections, in light of 2024. Attendees will get the opportunity to learn about elections in the U.S., identify HF/E challenges in elections, brainstorm research avenues, interact with historic voting equipment, and learn firsthand how HF/E currently fits into the election space. Additionally, attendees will be invited to join a network of experts supporting election administrators nationwide.

Join us and prominent election officials to have important conversations about how we at HFES can assist one another in support of election integrity.

Funding opportunities for workshop fees and travel are available for HFES community attendees. Potential future seed grant opportunities are available post-workshop. The workshop organization team will provide all materials and equipment.
Event Type
TimeMonday, September 9th9am - 4:30pm MST
LocationFLW Salon D