Thomas Ulrich
Dr. Ulrich is a human factors and reliability research scientist at the Idaho National Laboratory. He has led and participated in several full-scope, full-scale simulator studies using the Human Systems Simulation Laboratory (HSSL) to investigate a range of nuclear control room topics. Dr. Ulrich possesses expertise in human performance assessment methodology. He is an expert in nuclear process control simulation and interface prototyping development. Dr. Ulrich’s active research includes dynamic human reliability analysis methodology and digital and automated HMI software development for existing and advanced reactor nuclear power plant operations. He is the codeveloper of the Rancor microworld simulator and holds a copyright for “RANCOR Microworld Simulation Environment for Nuclear Process Control,” assertion extension granted on 9/27/18, for a period of ten (10) years, under BEA Attorney Docket No. CW-18-08. He actively develops the HUNTER INL software, which supports dynamic human reliability analysis via simulating virtual operators for nuclear and electric grid operations. Dr. Ulrich currently leads a research project using the HSSL to evaluate commercial flexible power operation and generation concepts of operations for coupling offsite hydrogen production to existing light water reactors. Most recently Dr. Ulrich started supporting a first of a kind research project to develop an advanced reactor remote concept of operations leveraging multiple digital twins located at both the reactor site and as a support tool for operators at a remote operations center.
Industry/Practitioner Case Study
Industry/Practitioner Case Study
Usability and System Evaluation
Committee Roles
Safety TG Chair