

Dr. Nicoletta Fala is an Assistant Professor at Oklahoma State University in the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. She obtained her Ph.D. from the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics at Purdue University. Her research spans human factors and systems engineering topics and aims to improve aviation safety and operations, particularly in the flight training and General Aviation environment. Her past research evaluated cognitive biases that impact how pilots respond to risk-related debrief and was recognized with the AIAA’s William T. Piper Sr. General Aviation Systems award.
Dr. Fala is also an instrument-rated commercial pilot and flight instructor with aerobatics and cross-country air racing experience and has helped operate a flying club for five years. Through her research and teaching, she aims to bring aviation and engineering closer to effectively connect designers to the end-user experience.
Aerospace Systems
Cognitive Engineering & Decision Making
Computer Systems
Forensics Professional
Health Care
Human Performance Modeling
Individual Differences in Performance
Perception and Performance
Product Design
Usability and System Evaluation
Extended Reality