Kim-Phuong L. Vu
Kim Vu has a basic research program in the area of action selection and applied lines of research in aviation human factors and human-computer/autonomy interaction. She is a co-author on over 150 research papers and book chapters in the area of human performance. She is a Fellow of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES), APA’s Divisions 3 and 21, the Psychonomic Society, and the Association for Psychological Sciences. She is the Director of the Center for Human Factors in Advanced Aeronautics Technologies (CHAAT) and the Associate Director of the Center for Usability in Design and Accessibility (CUDA) at California State University Long Beach. In 2021, Dr. Vu received the APA Division 21: Taylor Award for Outstanding Contributions in the Field of Applied Experimental/ Engineering Psychology.
Invited Symposium
Perception and Performance
Chair of Sessions
Invited Symposium
Perception and Performance