Philip Smith
Dr. Smith is recognized as an expert in aviation human factors, cognitive systems engineering, collaborative decision making, human-automation and human-AI interaction, and the design of distributed work systems. He has years of experience conducting research and development in collaboration with FAA traffic flow managers and air traffic controllers at ATCSCC, ARTCCs, TRACONs and ATCTs, as well as airline ATC coordinators, dispatchers, ramp controllers and pilots. These projects have included the use of observational studies at FAA facilities, structured interviews, cognitive walkthroughs, human-in-the-loop simulation studies and field trials, along with the development and evaluation of research prototypes as well as the development of operational systems for the FAA. His current research includes the development of human factors guidance on the integration of machine learning and artificial intelligence into FAA systems.
Dr. Smith is on the editorial board of the AIAA Journal of Air Transportation; is a member of the FAA Collaborative Decision Making Program Flow Evaluation Team; and is a member of the FAA REDAC Human Factors Subgroup. His awards include:
• FAA/Industry Collaborative Decision Making Program “Thank You Orange Award”, 2019
• International Aviation Psychology Symposium Fellow, 2017
• Air Traffic Control Association David J. Hurley Memorial Award for Research in Collaborative Decision Making, 2009
• Best Paper Award, 2008 Air Traffic Control Association Conference
• Fellow, Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 2001
• National Aviation Safety Award, Airline Dispatchers Federation, 2001
• Human Factors Best Article Award (Best Paper in Human Factors), 1999
Dr. Smith is on the editorial board of the AIAA Journal of Air Transportation; is a member of the FAA Collaborative Decision Making Program Flow Evaluation Team; and is a member of the FAA REDAC Human Factors Subgroup. His awards include:
• FAA/Industry Collaborative Decision Making Program “Thank You Orange Award”, 2019
• International Aviation Psychology Symposium Fellow, 2017
• Air Traffic Control Association David J. Hurley Memorial Award for Research in Collaborative Decision Making, 2009
• Best Paper Award, 2008 Air Traffic Control Association Conference
• Fellow, Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 2001
• National Aviation Safety Award, Airline Dispatchers Federation, 2001
• Human Factors Best Article Award (Best Paper in Human Factors), 1999
Discussion Panel
Cognitive Engineering & Decision Making